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For thousands of years, the Old Testament Israelites lived, rejoiced, suffered, and died in anticipation of the Messias. God led His Old Testament people through dramatic events while prophets exhausted themselves speaking and acting upon God’s word. Their whole lives were directed towards the coming of the Savior. However, over the course of their history, the Israelites lost sight of His purpose. The expectation of the Savior’s role became one of a liberator from earthly oppression instead of one who would open the gates of Heaven. When the long-awaited Messias came into the world, His own people didn’t recognize Him. In fact, they tortured and crucified Him!

As Catholics, we know that the Church is the Mystical Body of Christ. As Christ goes, so goes His Church. Thus, it should not be surprising that the Catholic Church suffered Her passion and crucifixion just like Her Divine Spouse. Just as the crucifixion of Christ was a stumbling block for Jews to become Christians, so too is the Second Vatican Council, the crucifixion of the Catholic Church, a stumbling block. Most Catholics struggle to make sense of it, while a few others have rejected it and remained ‘Traditional Catholics.’


This book provides a broad and basic overview of the various crises in the Church, the Second Vatican Council, and the emergence of Traditional Catholicism. The Second Vatican Council didn’t appear out of thin air, as there were centuries of sustained and increasingly hostile persecutions of the papacy by the enemies of the Church. In this context, one can see the progression of events that led up to the Second Vatican Council. The conclusion is simple, clear, and logical. Nonetheless, it is rejected by most Catholics, just as most Jews rejected Christ.

Stumbling Block

SKU: Stumbling Block
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    • Bibliographcy, Introduction and Conclusion
    • 42 pages of text (58 pages total)
    • 6" x 9" book dimension
    • Paperback
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