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The science of the saints, a way of thinking and acting, manifests differently across history and geography. At the same time, the common threads of mortification, devout prayer, charity, and firm adherence to the doctrines of the Faith run throughout the thoughts and writings of these Catholic heroes, like veins of gold and silver throughout a mountainside. This book, A Year With the Saints, is a compilation of wisdom and piety from an assortment of great saints. It offers a special quote for each day and a specific virtue for each month of the year. Having access to the minds of so many saints throughout the year, in small and digestible amounts, one can see how the love of God shines through each individual saint, just as the sun’s light shines through different kinds of precious gemstones.   Profit from their holiness as you contemplate their words throughout the year. Grow in virtue little by little: a steady, sustainable, and sure way to reach perfection. This book was translated from Italian in 1891 by the Sisters of Mercy in Hartford, Connecticut and has become a true treasure of Catholic literature. An imprimatur was granted for this work by His Excellency, Archbishop Michael Augustine of New York in 1891. During our current time in history, when vice, error, and otherwise general confusion and apathy permeate the thoughts of mankind, this book serves as a bulwark for our own hearts and minds. The writings of the saints are fresh air, a firm foundation, a shelter from the world and rays of light. Thank God that such treasures are available to us at such a critical time!

A Year with the Saints

SKU: Year with Saints
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    • 6" x 9" book dimension
    • Paperback
    • 397 Pages
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