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A Golden Treatise on Mental Prayer" by Saint Peter Alcántara is a practical guide to aid Catholics to cultivate a deeper relationship with God through mental prayer. With a wealth of spiritual rules and directions, the book offers valuable insights for those of different backgrounds and dispositions. Saint Peter Alcántara stresses the significance of mental prayer to obtain peace, humility, and a closer relationship with Almighty God, providing readers with practical advice.

The prologue by Giles Willoughby provides an intimate look into the life and death of Saint Peter Alcántara. Highlighting his virtues of purity, humility, and fervent prayer, Willoughby introduces readers to Alcántara's life of austerity and devotion, setting the stage for the spiritual wisdom that follows.

Discover the profound wisdom and spiritual insights of Saint Peter Alcántara through this accessible and illuminating exploration of his heart and mind.

A Golden Treatise On Mental Prayer

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    • paperback
    •  5 x 8 inches
    • 178 pages
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