Catholic Cartoons & Books
Telling shining stories from our Catholic Tradition
In a way children love, that keeps their attention!

St. Simon Stock and the Scapular

The Scapular can be found around the necks of devout Catholics, young and old. Our Lady of Mount Carmel gave the Scapular to St. Simon Stock as a pledge of salvation and Her protection! Follow the life of St. Simon Stock from his time as a hermit in a tree trunk when he was 12 years old, through the fall of Jerusalem and the establishment of Carmelite convents in England. Watch him finally be given the Scapular by Our Lady as a protection from the fires of Hell!
The First Crusade

The east is in schism and the Turks are attacking the Holy Land! Pope Urban II travels to Clermont, France and calls the first crusade. Noble christian lords and knights take the cross, arming themselves to defend Christendom. Despite harrowing forces aligned against them, the Crusaders battle their way to Jerusalem and recapture it, raising over it a christian flag once again!
The Sacred Heart and St. Margaret Mary

She chose at an early age to dedicate herself to Our Lord. Suffering for love of the Sacred Heart, St. Margaret Mary was en-kindled with the fire of divine love. Through her, the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus spread throughout the whole world!
Charles Martel and the Battle of Tours

In 732 AD, muslim armies were invading Europe. There was no one to stand against the invaders except Charles Martel. Because of his victory at Tours, Christendom was saved from Islamic conquest.
Our Lady of Pontmain

In 1871, in a small village in Normandy, France, the villagers were in dread of the prussian army advancing towards them. After begging Our Lady's intercession, Our Lady appeared to the children of this little town of Pontmain. A banner appeared at Her feet which read "But pray my children. God will answer your prayers in a little while. My Son let's Himself be touched." The next day, the prussian army turned around and Pontmain was saved!
Pope St. Pius X

As Vicar of Christ, He defended and fed the flock of God by protecting faithful catholics from the heresy of modernism. He described modernism as the "synthesis of all heresies". Join the narrator, "Mrs. Charity", as she explains to the children these important concepts!