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Glorious Heritage Cartoons

Catholic Cartoons & Books

Telling shining stories from our Catholic Tradition

In a way children love, that keeps their attention!

Glorious Heritage Cartoons

Church History Videos

You can find the links to all the videos below, and we will update them as we produce new ones. We release a new video every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, so stay tuned for more. These videos will be available here indefinitely, so you can always revisit them whenever you want.  Just click the links below.  You can also find these videos on YouTube and Facebook.

Complete Overview of Catholic Church History for Children

video series with printable timeline and summaries!

Catholic Church history is a vast and complex subject, but some events stand out as more significant than others. These seismic events mark the beginning and end of different eras in Church history.

This series of 162 videos, with printable summaries and questions, explores these seismic events and the eras they created. The videos divide Church history into seven major eras, from the Gospels to 1945, and provide a global and historical context with engaging stories and vivid imagery.

To make learning more fun and interactive, we have included a 7-page expanded timeline (included in the supplemental package).  You can cut and paste the important people and events, and color the different time periods. This will help you remember the main movements of Church history and how they connect to the smaller events. You will also see the patterns and links between different eras more clearly. 

This overview provides a comprehensive and solid foundation for learning Church history. It will make the smaller events easier to understand and appreciate in their context, rather than zooming in on a single event without seeing the whole picture.

Topic #1 - Our Lord Founds the Church

Topic #2 - The Council of Jerusalem

Topic #3 - St. Paul's Missions

Topic #4 - St. Peter the First Pope

Topic #5 - Ancient Roman World

Topic #6 - Nero's Persecution

Topic #7 - Destruction of the Temple

Topic #8 - Overview of Roman Empire

Topic #9 - 10 Roman Persecutions

Topic #10 - Diocletian's Persecution

Topic #11 - St. Helena

Topic #12 - Constantine

Topic #13 - Constantine's Conversion

Topic #14 - Roman Martyrs - Part 1

Topic #15 - Persecution of Desius

Topic #16 - St. Ignatius & St. John

Topic #17 -Roman Martyrs - Part 2

Topic #18 -Edict of MIlan

Topic #19 -Building Churches

Topic #20 -Finding the True Cross

Topic #21 -Arch-heretics

Topic #22 -Church Fathers

Topic #23 -Julian the Apostate

Topic #24 -Conversion of Clovis

Topic #25 -Arius and Arianism

Topic #26 -Council of Nicaea

Topic #27 -Arian Roman Emperors

Topic #28 -St. Athanasius

Topic #29 -St. Augustine

Topic #30 -Barbarian Threats

Topic #31 -Division of the Roman Empire

Topic #32 -Founding of Constantinople

Topic #33 -Conversion of the Franks

Topic #34 -Early Church Councils

Topic #35 -Emperor Theodosius

Topic #36 -Barbarian Invasions

Topic #37 -Roman Empire vs. HRE

Topic #38 -Fall of Rome

Topic #39 -Pope St. Gregory the Great

Topic #40 -The Anchorites

Topic #41 -St. Benedict

Topic #42 -Founding of Islam

Topic #43 -Byzantine Islamic Wars

Topic #44 -Byzantine Emperor Justinian

Topic #45 -Pope St. Leo the Great

Topic #46 -Viking Raiders

Topic #47 -Charles Martel

Topic #48 -Charlemagne

Topic #49 -Donation of Pepin

Topic #50 -Holy Roman Empire

Topic #51 -Iconoclasm

Topic #52 -Papacy and the Byzantines

Topic #53 -Byzantine Rule of Italy

Topic #54 -Merovingians and Carolingians

Topic #55 -Otto and Battle of Lechfeld


Topic #56 - Byzantine/HRE Relationship

Topic #57 - Middle Age Saint Kings

Topic #58 - Norman Conquest/England

Topic #59 - Battle of Manzikert

Topic #60 - Mendicant Orders

Topic #61 - Abbey of Cluny

Topic #62 - Irish Rechatechize

Topic #63 - The First Crusade

Topic #64 - The Second Crusade

Topic #65 - The Third Crusade

Topic #66 - The Fourth Crusade

Topic #67 - Other Crusades

Topic #68 - Crusading Orders

Topic #69 - Duns Scotus

Topic #70 - St. Thomas Aquinas

Topic #71 - Treaty of Verdun

Topic #72 - Sts. Cyril and Methodius

Topic #73 - St Boniface

Topic #74 - Schism of 1054

Topic #75 - Investiture Controversy

Topic #76 - Albingensian Crusade

Topic #77 - Transubstantiation

Topic #78 - The Renaissance

Topic #79 - The Papal Schism

Topic #80 - The Hundred Years War

Topic #81 - The Avignon Papacy

Topic #82 - Unam Sanctum

Topic #83 - First Council of Lyon

Topic #84 - The Medicis

Topic #85 - The Black Death

Topic #86 - Fall of Constantinople

Topic #87 - Holy Roman Empire

Topic #88 - Polish Saints

Topic #89 - Skanderbeg

Topic #90 - The Ottoman Turks

Topic #91 - St. Simon Stock/Scapular

Topic #92 - Martin Luther

Topic #93 - Protestant Revolt

Topic #94 - John Calvin

Topic #95 - St. Francis De Sales

Topic #96 - St. Barth. Day Massacre

Topic #97 - The 30 Years War

Topic #98 - 1527 Sack of Rome

Topic #99 -  Charles V

Topic #100 - The Inquisition

Topic #101 - Henry VIII

Topic #102 - English Martyrs

Topic #103 - Franco-Ottoman Alliance

Topic #104 - Pope St. Pius V

Topic #105 - Council of Trent

Topic #106 - Battle of Lepanto

Topic #107 - Knights of Malta

Topic #108 - Siege of Malta

Topic #109 - The Gregorian Calendar

Topic #110 - The Sacred Heart

Topic #111 - The Battle of Vienna

Topic #112 - Austrian Ottoman Wars

Topic #113 - The Jesuits

Topic #114 - North American Martyrs

Topic #115 - Age of Exploration

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